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서비스 이용안내

국가안전정보 통합공개시스템 서비스 이용안내 페이지입니다.


General user (public)
Images explaining from 1 to 4 on the main screen image of the safety information integrated disclosure system
1 Menu
You can go to each menu of Safety Information Integrated Disclosure System 'Safety Moa Diagnostic Moa'.
2 Search for My Location and Keywords
This is the area where you search for facilities based on the location of the user's connection.
3 a frequented facility
  • 3-1
    Displays the most searched facilities  TOP 5.
  • 3-2
    When clicking on a facility, displays the search results for that facility.
4 Facility classification
The facility classification provided by the system is displayed. Safety information in the field is searched according to facility selection.
Safety workers
Description of how to use the main page detail search
1 Click Main Screen > Search Details.
2 Search with various search criteria set.
Explanation of the screen transition when clicking
3 Click on the search result for 'Seoul Bogwang Elementary School'.
4 Check the safety inspection results for 'Seoul Bogwang Elementary School'.
* This image is an example of searching for school buildings in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, with aging of 10 to 20 years / Safety grades ranging from C to E
  • 4-1
    Check the safety inspection results for each individual item by clicking on the tabs,
  • 4-2
    Click 'View All' to see all items at once.
Explanation of navigating to the Safety Information Download page after selecting the Safety Inspection Information from the top menu
1 Click on 'Safety Inspection Information > Safety Information Download' from the top menu.
Instructions for using the Safety Information Download page
2 Select the download criteria at the top and click the download button to download the file.

Map Service

Description of various services on the map
  • 1 Keyword Search Area

    - Area designated for safety information searches.
  • 2 Map Location Change

    - Changes the map location using an address.
  • 3 Facility Classification

    - Displays facility classifications provided by the system. - Safety information related to the selected facility category will be retrieved.
  • 4 Service Map Change

    - Allows changing the map service.
  • 5 View All

    - Searches facilities within the range without facility categorization.
  • 6 Map Controls

    - Provides functions such as zooming in/out of the map, distance measurement, etc. - Provides a function to view thematic facilities.
  • 7 Navigation Menu

    - Searches safety information that is combined with basic building information rather than independently searching facility information.

Basic Search Methods

A. Search within the Map Screen
  1. - Users can search for names of businesses/facilities, or building names within the map screen they are viewing.
  2. - The top of the screen displays the user's current location.
  3. - If the user changes the map's location, clicking on 'Re-search from current location' reapplies the same search criteria for a re-search.
B. Name Search for Businesses/Facilities or Building Names
  1. - Search is possible without moving the map by entering the area + search keyword (including synonyms). However, there should be a space between the area and the search keyword. For example, 'Sejong Kindergarten', 'Seoul Rose Coffee Shop'.
  2. However, for approximately 70 types of closely related industries, 'Similar Word Search' is available (see 'Similar Word Search for Closely Related Industries' below).
  3. - AND, OR conditions are not allowed between search items.
  4. - If there are spaces, the search ignores them and conducts the search. For example, 'Rose Coffee Shop' → searches as 'RoseCoffeeShop'.
  5. - Partial input of business/facility names or building names is possible. However, changing the order of words is not permitted for the search to be conducted. For instance, 'Rose Coffee Shop''Rose', 'RoseCof', 'RoseCoffee', 'RoseCoffeeShop' are possible.
  6. - Please input business/facility names or building names accurately.

Introduction to User-Friendly Search Methods

A. Similar Word Search for Closely Related Industries
  1. - For industries commonly used in daily life, even if the exact name isn't entered, similar word searches are provided as follows. For example, 'Paris Baguette' can be searched as 'Bakery'.
  2. - Refer to the table below for more details.
생활밀접업종 유사어 검색
번호 업종 유사어
1 가구점 가구점, 가구, 가구갤러리, 가구전시장, 수입가구, 원목가구, 소파, 테이블, 식탁
2 가전제품수리점 가전제품수리, 가전제품서비스센터, 전자제품수리, 전자제품서비스센터
3 가전제품판매점 가전제품, 전자제품
4 유흥주점 유흥주점, 단란주점, 소주방, 포장마차, 포차, 꼬치구이, 민속주점, 주점, 호프집, 맥주, 호프, 생맥주
5 간판광고물업 간판, 현수막, 광고, 전단지, 입간판
6 건강보조식품가게 건강보조식품, 건강기능식품, 금연제품, 생식, 선식, 인삼, 녹즙
7 결혼상담소 결혼상담소, 결혼정보회사, 결혼정보업체, 결혼상담, 중매결혼, 국제결혼
8 공인노무사 공인노무사, 노무사
9 공인회계사 공인회계사, 회계사, CPA
10 보습/교습학원 교습학원, 학원, 공부방, 보습학원, 보충학습,
11 예술학원 학원, 예술학원, 음악학원, 꽃예술학원, 조리예술학원, 방송예술학원,
12 자격/국가고시학원 학원, 직업훈련원, 직업훈련학원, 기술학원, 직업훈련, 직업전문학교, 기술교육원, 자격증학원, 국가고시학원, 취미학원
13 창업/취업학원 학원, 직업훈련원, 직업훈련학원, 기술학원, 직업훈련, 직업전문학교, 기술교육원, 자격증학원, 국가고시학원, 취미학원
14 예능/취미학원 학원, 직업훈련원, 직업훈련학원, 기술학원, 직업훈련, 직업전문학교, 기술교육원, 자격증학원, 국가고시학원, 취미학원
15 어학학원 학원, 외국어, 외국어학원, 영어, 어린이영어, 중국어, 일본어
16 기타학원 학원, 운전학원, 기타학원
17 꽃가게 꽃집, 꽃가게, 화원, 화분, 꽃다발, 꽃배달, 플라워, 꽃, 화환
18 기타외국식 외국음식, 동남아음식
19 기타음식 구내식당, 고속도로휴게소, 국도휴게소
20 분식 분식, 떡뽁이, 라면, 우동, 칼국수
21 일식 일식, 초밥
22 중식 중식, 짜장면, 탕수육, 짬뽕
23 한식 식당, 음식, 식사, 한식
24 양식 양식, 돈가스, 돈까스, 경양식
25 병원 병원, 의원, 종합병원, 한방병원, 요양병원, 치과병원, 보건소, 보건지소, 보건의료원, 보건진료소, 조산원, 치과의원, 한의원, 치매병원
26 노래방 노래방, 노래연습장, 가라오케, 코인, 코인노래방, 동전, 동전노래방, 반주기, 금영, 100점, 탬버린, 1인 노래방, 코노
27 당구장 당구장, 포켓볼, 짜장면, 사구, 4구, 쿠션볼, 쿠션, 다이다이, 3쿠션, 당구, 당구공
28 독서실 독서실, 고시원, 스터디카페, 스터디, 스테디센터
29 동물병원 동물병원, 애완동물, 가축병원
30 목욕탕 목욕탕, 남탕, 여탕, 사우나, 이발소, 이발, 컷트, 스파, 찜질, 찜방, 찜질방, 대중목욕탕, 공중목욕탕, 목욕
31 문구점 문구점, 문방구, 문구, 사무용품
32 미용실 미용실, 헤어샵, 헤어, 이발, 커트, 퍼머, 파마, 염색, 헤어스타일, 두피마사지, 헤어클리닉, 헤어케어, 헤어관리
33 법무사 법무사, 법무, 세무, 회계
34 변리사 변리사, 변리, 세무, 회계
35 변호사 변호사, 변호, 세무, 회계
36 부동산중개업 부동산중개업, 부동, 오피스텔/공장, 임대-쇼핑센타/상점, 임대-주택/아파트/연립, 임대-토지, 묘지
37 사진촬영업 사진, 사진관, 사진스튜디오, 광고사진, 백일사진, 결혼사진, 취업사진, 증명사진, 영정사진, 사진인화, 사진현상, 스티커사진
38 서점 서점, 도서, 책방, 문고, 베스트셀러, 잡지
39 세무사 세무사, 세무, 세무, 회계
40 세탁소 세탁소, 빨래방, 런드리존, 크리닝, 컴퓨터크리닝, 세탁, 드라이클리닝, 크린토피아, 코인빨래방, 동전빨래방, 코인워시, 셀프빨래방
41 슈퍼마켓 수퍼마켓, 과일, 마트, 식료품, 채소, 음료수, 장보기, 소주, 막걸리, 식품, 정육
42 스포츠교육기관 스포츠교육기관, 스포, 재즈댄스, 재즈댄스, 합기도장
43 스포츠용품점 스포츠용품점, 스포, 자전거판매, 총포상
44 시계ㆍ귀금속점 시계ㆍ귀금속점, 시계, 귀금속, 귀금속, 시계방
45 식료품가게 건어물, 김치, 닭집, 수산물, 식료품, 얼음, 정육점, 청과물
46 신발가게 신발가게, 신발, 캐주얼화, 기능성신발
47 실내스크린골프점 스크린골프, 실내골프, 골프연습장, 골프존, 골프클럽
48 실내장식가게 실내장식가게, 실내, 외장, 실내외장식공사, 인테리어
49 실외골프연습장 실외골프, 골프연습장, 골프존, 골프클럽
50 안경점 안경점, 안경원, 렌즈, 칼라렌즈, 콘택트렌즈
51 애완용품점 애완용품, 애견용품, 애완동물, 애견미용실
52 약국 약국, 약방, 탕제원, 한약방
53 여관ㆍ모텔 펜션, 풀빌라, 풀빌라펜션, 여관, 여인숙, 여행, 숙박, 민박, 리조트, 모텔, 호텔, 게스트하우스, 야영장, 자동차야영장, 자동차야영, 캠핑, 캠핑장, 자동차캠핑, 가족캠핑, 오토캠핑, 오토캠핑장, 야영
54 펜션ㆍ게스트하우스 펜션, 풀빌라, 풀빌라펜션, 여관, 여인숙, 여행, 숙박, 민박, 리조트, 모텔, 호텔, 게스트하우스, 야영장, 자동차야영장, 자동차야영, 캠핑, 캠핑장, 자동차캠핑, 가족캠핑, 오토캠핑, 오토캠핑장, 야영
55 여행사 여행사, 여행
56 예식장 예식장, 예식
57 옷가게 옷가게, 양복점, 맞춤양장, 법복(승복), 셔츠, 내의, 속옷, 아동복, 여성의류, 남성의류, 예복, 유니폼, 단체복, 의류, 청바지, 캐쥬얼, 특수복, 한복
58 의료용품가게 의료용품, 의료기기, 건강용품
59 이륜자동차판매점 이륜자동차, 오토바이, 이륜차, 오토바이 수리, 원동기, 바이크
60 이발소 이발소, 이발, 남성미용실, 커트, 염색, 면도
61 자동차수리점 카센터, 자동차관리, 카크리닉, 자동차서비스센터, 정비소, 자동차정비소, 자동차수리점
62 자전거판매점 자전거, 자전거 수리, 자전거 판매, 사이클, 자전차
63 장난감가게 장남감, 장남감 가게, 토이즈, 완구점
64 정육점 정육, 한우, 돼지고기, 소고기, 한돈, 곰거리
65 제과점 제과점, 빵집, 제과, 제빵, 베이커리, 바게트, 케이크, 떡집, 한과
66 주유소/충전소 주유소, LPG, 충전소
67 주차장운영업 주차장, 주차, 주차타워
68 중고차판매점 중고차, 중고차매매
69 철물/난방/건설자재 철물, 공구, 철물점, 냉난방용품, 전기보일러, 열쇠, 조립식앵글판매, 건재상
70 침구ㆍ커튼가게 침구, 커튼, 수예품, 이불, 인테리어
71 커피음료점 카페, 커피숍, 전통차, 다방, 생과일주스
72 컴퓨터판매점 컴퓨터, 중고컴퓨터, 노트북, 조립컴퓨터, PC, 조립PC, 키보드, 마우스,
73 통신판매업 쇼핑몰, 온라인쇼핑, 통신판매, 온라인판매
74 패스트푸드점 패스트푸드, 도너츠, 샌드위치, 아이스크림, 토스트, 피자, 핫도그
75 편의점 편의점, CU, GS25, 세븐일레븐, 도시락, 야식
76 피부관리업 피부관리업, 피부, 피부관리, 피부미용
77 헬스클럽 헬스클럽, 헬스, 헬스장, 휘트니스, 체력단련, 개인PT
78 화장품가게 화장품가게, 화장품, 향수
79 pc방 PC방, 피씨방, 게임방, 겜방, 게임, 온라인게임, 삼국지, MMORPG, RPG
80 영화관 영화, 영화관, 극장, 시네마, 무비
81 미술관/박물관/전시관 미술관, 박물관 전시회, 전시, 식물원, 동물원, 유적지, 자연학습, 사적지, 문화원
82 은행 은행, 은행, 축협, 특수은행
83 할인점(대형마트) 할인점, 마트, 할인마트, 수퍼마켓, 과일, 마트, 식료품, 채소, 음료수, 장보기, 소주, 막걸리, 식품, 정육
84 요양원 요양원, 요양, 요양원, 시립요양원
85 담배 담배, 담배, 담배소매, 수입담배판매
4. Facility Comparison Search
  1. - Three types of facilities that want to be compared within the same type of facility search results can be compared by applying safety inspection items that the user is interested in.
  2. - Facility Comparison Search Procedure


  • 1 Keyword search

  • 2 Click ‘시설비교(Facility Comparison)’

  • 3 Choose 3 facilities to compare

  • 4 Select items you want to compare

  • 5 Click ‘결과보기(View Results)'

5. Detailed Search
  1. - This service provides safety inspection information by classifying buildings/facilities into 11 areas (education/care, health/medical, accommodation, housing, commerce/sales, culture, physical education, food hygiene, industrial facilities, public facilities, and infrastructure).
  2. - You can search facilities that users are curious about by different search conditions.
  3. - Deatailed Search Procedure


  • 1 Keyword search

  • 2 Click ‘상세검색(Detailed Search)’

  • 3 Select a detailed search category

  • 4 Select items you want to search for

  • 5 Click ‘검색(Search)'

6. Peripheral search
  1. - This service provides safety inspection information by classifying buildings/facilities into 11 areas (education/care, health/medical, accommodation, housing, commerce/sales, culture, physical education, food hygiene, industrial facilities, public facilities, and infrastructure).
  2. - You can search facilities that users are curious about by different search conditions.
  3. - Peripheral Search Procedure


  • 1 Keyword search

  • 2 Click ‘주변검색(Peripheral Search)’

  • 3 Select one point on the map

  • 4 Select radius

  • 5 Click ‘선택완료(Finish Selection)’

  • 6 Check the list of search results

  • 7 Click ‘거리재기(Distance Measurement)’

  • 8 Measure the distance between two points


OpenAPI ?

OpenAPI is an interface for developers who have disclosed safety inspection information collected by each department to make it easier to use various services and data. As a result of safety inspection, various public data of the integrated disclosure system can be provided and used for development of smartphone applications, and will be continuously updated.

OpenAPI Usage Procedure

  • Sign up toPublic data portal
  • OpenAPIsearch and checkhow to use
  • Applicationfor OpenAPI authenticationkey
  • Use OpenAPI
  1. ˙ID and authentication key are required to use OpenAPI.
  2. ˙To apply for ID and authentication key, you must sign up for a public data portal (www.data.go.kr).
  3. ˙Only one authentication key is issued per person and cannot be transferred to another person.
  4. ˙It is utilized according to the format described in the development specification for each OpenAPI.
  5. ˙OpenAPI utilization can be restricted in the event of a restriction on utilization.

Mobile App Screen Configuration

Mobile App Main Screen

Safety Information Integrated Open System Mobile App Service

Now, you can check the safety information of buildings or facilities around you anytime, anywhere using your smartphone.

Mobile App Screen Configuration

Mobile App
  • 1 Main Service Menu

    Provides essential menu options offered by the system. > Safety Inspection Information, Service Guide, News & Participation
  • 2 Name Search

    Allows searching for buildings/facilities/business names.
    Ex. OO Kindergarten
  • 3 Frequently Searched Facilities

    Aggregates and provides in real-time the most frequently searched keywords by recent users.
  • 4 Facility Status

    Provides various categories of facilities offered by the Safety Information Integrated Disclosure System.

Configure Mobile App Map Screen

Mobile App
  • 1 Main Service Menu

    Provides essential menu options offered by the system. > Safety Inspection Information, Service Guide, News & Participation
  • 2 Name Search

    Allows searching for buildings/facilities/business names.
    Ex. OO Kindergarten
  • 3 Map Screen

    Provides a map view to visualize the location information of searched facilities. Offers various functionalities unique to maps such as distance measurement, satellite view, navigation, and uses the user's location information to provide search results.
  • 4 Facility Status and Search Results

    Provides various categories of facilities offered by the Safety Information Integrated Disclosure System and the results of the search conducted.

Mobile App Utilization

A. Name/Facility/Building Search
  1. - Provides search functionalities like synonyms and autocomplete, similar to the web service.
  2. - Search results can be checked via the map screen.
B. Facility Status Search
  1. - Facilities are categorized into 12 types, offering status information for each specific facility within these categories.
  2. - Selecting a specific facility allows viewing the search results on the screen.